It should come as no surprise to anyone in the U.S. dairy industry that supply and demand drive the milk price. In a competitive market, we expect profit margins, and therefore price, to move to values...
Surely, our grandparents could not have envisioned a day when cow burps are regarded as culprits in global warming and nut-based beverages are viewed as sustainable alternatives to milk
In an age where we have the science and technology available to produce clean, safe raw milk, it’s great to see Iowa paving the way for more small dairies to find success, and for more people to...
In response to the article “More farmers should run for elected office,” there is no question that farmers often can, and do, make incredibly good politicians
When does a farm become a factory farm?Fifty-one cows? 201 cows? 301 cows? 501 cows? If it does not allow pasture access?It is a meaningless phrase. Nothing happens to cows on a big dairy that d
I am a first generation dairy farmer, and I am so glad to see that you put out the article, “Lack of land pushes young farmers out of ag” on October 6, 2022. I have said before, how can someone...
I just wanted to say thanks for bringing out articles like the one on planting green and soil health that ran in the March 10 Hoard’s Dairyman Intel. We have practiced this for five years now and...
While facing the “college plague” last week, which I’m sure many in or around college campuses have faced at some point this semester or in past semesters, something happened that I never...
After reading the Hoard’s Dairyman Intel “Feed-cost adjusters get a facelift,” I must share this sarcastic comment — I’m glad USDA believes farmers are make so much money
Many of our customers (consumers) focus nearly exclusively on price. How much is the bag of cheese? They assume the quality of the product is reasonable
The dairy industry does not need more access to foreign workers, as detailed in the May 21, 2018, Hoard’s Dairyman Intel “We have a window for immigration reform.”